segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Mundo da Fantasia das Fadas

Take a Word - FANTASY -  AQUI
Tea Cup - AQUI
Doll Dress - vestido da fada - AQUI
Festa Virtual Dia das Fadas - dia 24 de junho AQUI

Seja Bem vinda ao Mundo de Fantasia das Fadas!!!
Vestido de Noiva da Fada Lilás:
...Como num conto de Fadas...
momento magico...
chá com a fada Lilás: 

14 comentários:

  1. Great pictures. I love them. July we are 30 years marriaged ... so your picture make me dreaming.

    Have a great day Petra

  2. A lovely fantasy dress! Thanks for showing us these wonderful photographs, too.

  3. Thank you for sharing such beautiful things!

  4. Lindooo! vou ver se tenho tempinho para participar desse desafio!

  5. These truly are magical items, they're wonderful to behold! Hugs, Ira

  6. M'agrada moltissim Cristina - es genial! =)

  7. Ai que graça Ana, tudo muito lindo e de bom gosto como sempre....amominiaturas, já tive uma lojinha só disso acredita...pintei muitas miniaturas de porcelana e ainda tenho uma cx cheinhaaaaa me esperando ...aii não sei quando vou conseguir fazer tudo que guardo hehehe...bjs

  8. Hi: Thank you for joining Tea Cup Tuesday. Your post today is so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. I look forward to getting to know you. Blessings, Martha

  9. You have a lovely blog! Your tiny tea cup is so pretty. I also like your framed collage, the dress and all the elements are fabulous! Thank you for joining in Tea Cup Tuesday! It was great to "meet" you.

  10. Beautiful post, loved all of the images! I'm currently engaged and though I've already got my wedding dress I love dreaming about them :)

    Hope you're having a lovely fairy day and are enjoying the party!

    Roisin x


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